Blog/Summer is here
2022-05-29 Summer is here![edit | edit source]

It's now end of May and all traces of winter are gone. The grass is growing fast and the trees have all sprouted into beautiful shades of green. Birds are singing and the forest is full of life. It's a lovely time to experience nature with all one's senses.

BirdNet[edit | edit source]

My knowledge of birds is unfortunately not very strong, so I enjoy using the BirdNET app. It's really good at determining what bird song you are hearing.
The BirdNET research project uses artificial intelligence and neural networks to train computers to identify many thousands of birds all over the world. You can choose to contribute to the project by submitting findings using the app, but it isn't required. Also there is no registration needed to use the app.
The project website has much more information on the research, who are involved and how the technology works. They have a live demo showing how the detection works as well as a live map showing submissions across the world!
The app is available on both Google Play and the Apple App Store